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At Unified Care we value diversity and acknowledge the value of having a diverse workforce. This helps us to meet the needs of our diverse client group, better and also promote diverse thinking, practices and mutual learning.

READ MORE Our leaders review and undertake actions to improve our organisation’s culture and commitment to continuous improvement. This includes recognising protected characteristics amongst our service users and staff and, as a caring organisation, minimising discrimination and maximising inclusion and support. We already work with people who have been marginalised in our society, so our care and support is delivered with this awareness.

Equality of opportunity is very important to us and, in respect to our service users, we endeavour to support them to live healthy and fulfilled lives. We are excited to continually innovate and provide a home from home environment for our service users.

Our workforce is also very important and, without them, Unified Care could not achieve its vision and live its values. Accountability to our policies and procedures in equality, diversity and inclusion supports our organisation in its values and to tackle any form of discrimination. We also make efforts to prevent and address bullying and harassment.

Creating a culture of inclusion with our shared vision and our values we base our culture on transparency, equity, equality, human rights, diversity, inclusion, engagement and in understanding the needs of the community. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture and meeting the needs of the people we serve.

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